Women’s Heart Health

Written By: Emily Crawford, Holistic Nurse Coach

Heart disease is the number one killer in women killing 1 in 3 women a year that means one woman dies every minute! It is very important for women to use all means necessary to support a healthy cardiovascular system. The American Heart Association teaches diet, exercise, and adequate sleep are essential as is reducing stress. Including good fats into your diet can improve blood cholesterol, decrease risk for diabetes, lower blood pressure and assist with a regular heartbeat. Adding an omega-3 fish oil, or a plant based omega product is as easy as a pill a day or mixing a scoop of flax or chia powder into your smoothie.

The National Institute of Health states “ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke.” Adults should get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. If you find yourself waking up multiple times in the night or fighting the ability to fall asleep, there are many natural remedies to help increase sleep quality. Setting up a good bedtime routine is a wonderful start to better sleep. Enjoying a cup of bedtime herbal tea, using lavender essential oil or drinking a glass of powdered magnesium before bed are wonderful ways to sleep soundly. Another way to help with sleep and also a healthy stress response is to use a type of herb called adaptogens. My two favorite adaptogen herbs are ashwaganda and rhodiola. These herbs help to regulate cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone. When cortisol is normal it is what wakes us up in the morning and what decreases at night to help us sleep. If cortisol is not normal it keeps us full of energy at night, falling asleep during the day, gaining weight, and feeling the stress of life. Ashwaganda and Rhodiola can also assist with healthy weight loss associated with decreasing stress levels, which can lead to healthier cardiovascular system.

             Some prescribed medications may deplete essential nutrients your body needs in order to fight the condition those medications are prescribed for. Many blood pressure or cholesterol lowering medications can cause deficiencies in B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, zinc, coenzyme q-10, and others. It may be necessary to supplement with certain nutrients, such as if you are taking a statin drug for high cholesterol taking Coq 10 can help with side effects and also help decrease cholesterol as well.

 It is important to speak with your doctor and do the education to assure your body is getting the nutrients it needs to be healthy.

This February when you decide to wear red to support Women’s Heart Health, also remember to support your health by practicing prevention.


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